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Who to contact if & nbsp; Do you have a question during the operation or minor repairs? How to understand which machine to choose, where to choose, what to look for. Obviously, these questions are best addressed to those who can repair these machines and know all their features.

The MachineService company provides support in matters of repair, operation, purchase and selection of the machine when buying.

PS Friends, in their appeals, our customers often ask questions and set tasks, the essence of which boils down to what the staff needs to be taught to work and repair the machine. Understand that even when it comes to full-time training, it takes 5-7 days to train an operator only. It is necessary to make a service engineer from a person who studied from a school bench in order to become a service engineer, it takes 2-4 weeks for one course only. Service engineers pass such courses not one and not two. Those. simply speaking it is impossible to repair machine tools by phone. On the phone, you can only assume with a high probability, and not always.
